Thursday, February 7, 2019

disappearance of elastic fibers

The histological characteristic is the dermal elastosis that is characterized by the disappearance of elastic fibers of the dermis, decreases the collagen and increases the presence of proteoglycans, but not linear for all of them, since they diminish the glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid (AH) and dermatan sulfate nulante, being the decrease of this AH the one responsible for the decrease of turgencia and elasticity of the skin, appearance of wrinkles and alteration of the dermal microcirculation.

 On the other hand, it should be noted that in the dermis there are seven distinct types of collagen that differ both in their quaternary structure and in their amino acid disposition. The most abundant are type I and III3. It should be noted that in the dermis there are seven distinct types of collagen that differ both in their quaternary structure and in their amino acid disposition.

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